Individual Development Accounts
An Individual Development Account (IDA) is a four-year, matched-savings program designed to assist individuals in achieving self-sufficiency through financial literacy and asset generation.  Operating behind the rationale that income alone, is not enough for individuals to break trends of generational...
Financial Literacy
Financial literacy workshops are moderated by banking partners and other financial experts and address a wide array of money management strategies, such as budgeting and saving, credit building and repair, making housing decisions, and more.
Home Repairs
We help homeowners repair major maintenance issues on their home with a 30 year, 0% interest loan; no payments required. If you are a homeowner that lives in our catchment area and interested in this program please call our main...

We make safe, attractive housing available to homeowners and renters of low to moderate income levels.

Economic Development
Economic Development

Our 20/21 Vision Plan is a roadmap for developing the local economy. It explains how we are addressing urban blight, increasing housing options, attracting new businesses, and creating a thriving community.


Our three pocket parks improve quality of life in Mapleton-Fall Creek and the surrounding neighborhoods. They invite kids outside to play, encourage adults to stay active, and provide central gathering places.